How to Uninstall NetCut Defender/ Uninstall NetCut completely:

Step 1
  1. Log in as administrator
  2. Click Start Windows, choose Control Panel
  3. Choose System and Security
  4. Click Administrative Tools
  5. Click Services
  6. Find AIPS.exe(Arp Intelligent Protection Service) then right click and chooseProperties
  7. On the General tab, change the Startup Type to Disabled, and
  8. On the Service Status, click Stop, then click OK
Step 2
  1. Click Start Windows, choose My computer
  2. Find AIPS.EXE at C:\Program Files (x86)\Netcut\Services\aips.exe  
  3. Delete aips.exe
  4. Delete Netcut.exe
  5. Then delete the Netcut folder

Step 3
  1. Click Start
  2. Type RUN on the Search Programs and files box, then press Enter
  3. Type Regedit, and press Enter
  4. Find HKey_Local_Machine
  5. Find HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\AIPS
  6. Delete AIPS key