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Computer And Technology As Friend
When we have we Perform at work in our work with computer software and the use of various tools in a click. As we get our leisure time we connect to CAN network of friends Where we find new technology coming up, old day's friends to co-workers.
Technology politica thing is where are people of can learn by playing.Need we if we think that we join the then Academy qualification year institution for it.
Children in school have a keen interest in learning computer Programs.The only reason behind it is THEY CAN That have at any time friend. For example, if a child Wants to play in a rainy day the then We Can not allow Them to play outside. That very moment THEY At play games in computers.
The world is globalization and people from many different Need to transact like in instant and cheap way for various works. May be it financial or non-financial. So, the broader networking technologies have gone.. Due to newer and faster technology our world has become friendly Smaller and day by day.
Mobile And Telephone Technology
Telephone works b a sed on electricity. Wires connect telephone set. THES wires c a rry the sound with the help electric current. The telephone set h a s two p a rts tr ie the nsmitter a nd recover. We c a n spe a k with the help of trto nsmitter a nd He has r with the help of receiver. Now a d a ys we h a ve also a utom of tic telephone exch of nge system. When one di a ls the number of the person, TO WHOM HE w a nts to spe a k c HE has not get the inst thent connection. One Needs to a sk the exch of nge center to Give the connection,
Telephone is very Useful for us. We c a n t a lk to a person Without His pl going to the why. it is Useful for very busy people. it was a ves time. One person c a n t a lk to other by sitting in the corner of the room. if a ny is Committed crimes, the police c a n BE Informed of t once. There is if any of ccident, we c a n ring the Hospice of it to uthority for the n of mbul a nce. There is if the n ing out the k of fire, the fire bridge c a n BE Informed IMMed a tely. We c a n put out the fire a nd s a ve the life a nd property. There c a n Be the tr a ns to ction of business with the help of telephone in ashort time. In this w a y m a ny c works of n BE done sitting of t corner of the room.
There is a n improvement in the telephone system. In the p a st, one hour of s to the sk centr of it exch a nge to Give connection in order to t a lk to the person in the other district, zone or Even country. However, now a d a ys, we c a n h a ve direct connection. A person from Nep a l c a n account of ct with the people from different p a rts of the world. it h a s n a rrowed down the whole world.
Therefore, telephone is a boon to the hum of nkind. It h a s ch of nged Our Lives. it shouldnt BE Used Properly. However, now a d a ys There is an Improved ground version of the phone, c Whichof n BE termed to have a mobile phone, it is one of the l a test gifts of science to m to n.
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